The essential do’s and don’ts of call recording

The essential do’s and don’ts of call recording

You’ll get valuable data and enhance the customer experience when you use call recording correctly

If your business regularly deals with customer calls and you don’t record them, you’re missing out: you can enhance the customer experience, improve the skills of your employees and boost revenues when you use call recording.

Call recording can be a big benefit to your business when used correctly:

  • Keep customer service consistent: supervisors can monitor calls to see how well employees, team members or agents are handling their customers, helping them identify any areas for improvement.
  • Monitor complaints: your business can keep track of complaints better, and then you can train your team on the best way to deal with them.
  • Fill in the blanks: sometimes your employees will miss details in a conversation. Recording calls means they can go back and find the important information they need in order to help their customers fully.
  • Improve products: recording calls is a great way to gather customer feedback and suggestions that might otherwise get forgotten. You can use this information to build and improve products that better suit your customers’ needs.
  • Reduce liability: unfortunately, there are times when a bad customer experience can escalate. Things can be misremembered, but with call recording you will have a factual record that can be used to diffuse customer disputes before they turn into costly lawsuits.

When used correctly, call recording will help your customer service representatives do their job better, keep your customers happy, and help your business grow. Keep reading to learn the essential do’s and don’ts, and how you can get started recording calls today.

DO decide who will be responsible for monitoring

When you begin to record calls, you begin to collect valuable data for your business. But your business cannot benefit from all this new information unless you do something with it. Decide who in your organization is responsible for listening to calls and logging the complaints, feedback, and areas for employee improvement.

DO test your new software and devices first

If you’ve invested in new headsets and handsets to record calls, you mustn’t forget to test them out. A simple check to make sure everything’s working will save you future headaches, when you realize something was supposed to be recorded and wasn’t. As an extra precaution, conduct test calls often.

DO notify customers they’re being recorded

When recording someone, there are laws and restrictions in place to keep customers and businesses safe. Include a disclosure announcement at the start of each call so your customers are aware you’re recording the call. The laws and restrictions differ in different areas, but notifying customers is a universal rule. Check for any specific compliance rules for your industry, too.

DON’T get rid of recordings less than a year old

The suggested amount of time to keep your recordings is for a year, but building up an archive of a couple years is even better. Make sure the call recording system you choose has the storage capacity you need.

DON’T ignore the data

Keep a library of the best and worst calls to help train new agents and improve the skills of your existing ones. Build a collection of calls that spans all different types of customer interaction, so you can use it to brainstorm product improvements and review best practices. You could record sales calls, too.

DON’T forget to think about the future

You should expect higher call volumes as your business grows. Make sure your call recording system can support this and will scale as your business does.

Call recording will not only help you improve your customer service, but also help keep you and your customers protected. And while most modern phone systems have the ability to record messages and conversations, a dedicated call recorder is the right choice for your business. Professional call recording systems are intended to handle large volumes of calls, with built-in search and archiving features.

We have two great scalable call recording systems available, and both options integrate seamlessly with your existing Voxtell phone solution.

Call Recording: Company-Wide

Make sure your customer service is top-notch, by recording your calls for quality and security purposes. Our intuitive call recording system means you can record multiple lines at once.

Call Recording: On-Demand

Give your business the flexibility you need while maintaining quality and security with our on-demand call recording feature. Take control with the click of a button, and switch it off when you don’t need it.

Contact us now to learn more about Voxtell can transform communication for your business.

Sofia at Voxtell

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